Tuesday, 22 October 2013

Recommendation: Friends With Kids

Friends With Kids:

Every now and again there's a rom-com in the When Harry Met Sally ilk, which takes it's subject seriously. This is one of them. Two best friends decide to have a kid together realising two things: 1) their friend's with kids have horrible marriages and love and children just might not go together and 2) if they have a kid now, they can continue to date people without the pressure of finding 'the one' before their biological clocks run out.

Almost no one's heard of this movie, but it's one of the nicest written, more tasteful and intelligent rom-coms I've ever seen. Heck, it is the nicest. The main characters are engaging and you're welcomed readily into their lives. The humour is fun and continuous through out, but never slaughters the drama. But best of all is that it's very generous with it's theme, delving deep into the nature of marriage and settling down, and what constitutes a good or bad relationship. 

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